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Resignation is not an option: sales-oriented digital micro-campaigns

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The key question is: when is what possible and how? The watering can principle has never made sense, but now it has finally become obsolete. Spreading campaigns unfiltered over wide regions makes no sense.

It is important to use the windows of opportunities 

The number of infections will decrease, and it is already foreseeable which regions will be more attractive as future clients, because they already have significantly lower numbers of infections. This also applies to possible destinations. It will take too long to wait until an entire country, entire federal states, etc. are Corona free and open for tourism. It must therefore be clarified - which regions, which areas can still be visited today or are safe again? 

It is important to bring these two sides together and to open the window of possibilities. With digital micro-campaigns, this is possible promptly and in a targeted manner. Digital campaigns enable precise regional targeting. Where is the infection rate already subsiding? Where will tomorrow's customers be located? We make sure that they hear from you today. Where do customers live who could travel promptly because the number of infections is already low today? We communicate suitable offers with travelable destinations to them for you. 

Advantages of our micro-campaigns 

The implementation of micro-campaigns means e.g. Google Display and Search Ads, Facebook & Instagram, or Pinterest Ads. Through the intelligent selection and combination of media, advertising formats, targetings and motifs, we can cover the entire digital customer journey. From the first contact to the booking phase. The knowledge gained in this way is of course also exciting for the time after COVID. Because knowledge helps our customers to get out of the crisis faster than others. 

Depending on the target region / target group we select respective media and advertising material.  Therefore, we can use micro-campaigns to reach target groups in a very targeted manner. For example, to people in certain regions, with a selected age or specific travel interests and hobbies. We contact them at the right time, with a manageable budget and still gain numerous website visitors and activate potential customers.  

Digital micro-campaigns are therefore the key to setting the course for future and today sales.

Get in touch with us to revive the tourism business​​​​​​​. 

We are happy to help.